After attending almost every hip hop session in Cape Town, I've had so many questions in my mind, which some of them I never failed to answer. Hip hop sessions are where most talented artists got discovered from, and its still a place where most promoters go to when searching for fresh new talent. In the last year, I attended sessions and noticed that people were coming out in numbers to watch artists perform. Some say people only come out because its free as we know most hip hop shows with entrance fees don't do that well in attendance. Nevertheless, people come out on sessions and that is good.
What gets to me, is seeing artists doing the same thing, performing the same songs for the whole year and getting the same reaction. I fail to see growth on most artists, don't get me wrong I don't say artists are not growing out there. There's a few that have elevated to the next stage, which is paying shows, events, festivals etc. but as much as we are getting new faces on sessions every month we need more artists breaking into the next stage. Recently, I asked my self a question "Are hip hop sessions still helping artists or we are just stumbling in the same place, doing the same thing and we just don't see it?". I was lucky enough to bump into people that were willing to share their views and understanding in response to this question. This is what they had to say:

ELLO: Well, I'm going to be as honest as I can. Hip hop shows are
not what they used to be or must I say are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. In my own understanding, they are suppose to help an artist grow and expose
those who still want grow. What we see these days is the same line up show
after show. Same people, it doesn't matter if there are 2 events on the same day
still we going to see the same people we see on sessions doing the same thing. That being one of the
reasons why you'll never see me again, I can't spend all my money and time to
see same people performing same songs.
MADIRA: To be honest, sessionS are still helping upcoming artists.
Remember, sessions are where peoplget motivated and inspired. So for upcoming
artists, its helping a lot. For those who have been doing it for long, I think
they are driven by desperation. Most cats are so desperate to perform due to shows being scarce. I feel that established artists should use sessions when they have
something new to offer that will open spaces for the young'uns/upcoming artists
to be recognized. Today you can't see a difference between a show (Paying) and
a session. It's because what you see at the sessions is what you will get at the
shows. Mad-Era #Team_Huslin

"To me, sessions are really helping, because I take them as a tool to sharpen
the art." - NDLULAMTHI

It's all up to the artist, that's just how I feel about it. It's what you
as an artist do with the platform given to you. I know artist with skill but
are too arrogant to use sessions to gain the popularity and fan base they need because they want to get paid. The industry has sold us the idea that its easy to
blow, they just didn't tell these dudes that before blowing up you need a fan base. Hard work and a positive attitude bro, there is too many expects and very
little rappers who can actually penetrate and hold their own at sessions.
As for me, I don't feel the urge to attend a hip hop session because it seems like its a just a place for a bunch of friends to catch up and
bond. If ubani uyaya then sure thing nobani uzoya screw whoever is on the line
up, but somehow they do help artists in terms of building a fan base i
think..That's just how i see it.
I'm not an artist or something big in the music scene, I'm
just a big fan. In my own opinion sessions are good for beginners, people who wanna
horn their skills and make a name for themselves. Your more established artists
should however avoid these sessions and get a good PR person who will make sure
they get paying gigs.
I think they are helping, especially for young and upcoming
artist because that's where they test their skill of rapping, nurture their
skills and launch their new songs.That's where most of us started performing and gained confidence.It's also a great platform to network with other
artists. Hip hop session are a good platform, where artists can gather and
socialize. It's a platform where everyone from every corner is welcom to
perform and expose themselves to the public and also get a chance to showcase
their latest projects..All in all I think they still benefit some other people.
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