Kasi Music Kona: Awe Sixfo, hope you good fam. Tell our
readers a bit about you man, I know some of them think they know you lol
Sixfo: *laugh*,
well I communicate with my fans on the daily, you know...the little things like
''how was your day?'' and stuff. But yeah, I'm just cool with my fans like
Kasi Music Kona: Nice, Your music dawg any special
recipe? I know a lotta cats that need it out here lol
Sixfo: If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret now
would it? *laughs* Na man, there's no secret recipe, I'm just one of the lucky
few who maintain their creative freedom. When I record, I do what I want and
well...everybody seems to like it. People get tired of hearing about bottles
poppin' and sh** so...I give them an alternative.
Kasi Music Kona: Awe, You dropped a new EP. Tell us a
bit about it.
Sixfo: Searching for Kimosabe is like, the sequel to
my Premosabe mix tapes and well, I put it out 'cause like, I hadn't released
any new material in a while so this was my ''apology'' if you will, to my fans.
It's kinda like a story basically.
Kasi Music Kona: Jhb, the hip hop scene that side. Is
it a scene you wish every province in South Africa could have?
Sixfo: Nope, in Joburg it's too much of an
inner-circle kind of thing where the cool kids rule and the rest end up
starving. My ideal hip-hop scene would be...hmmm, the scene in the UK...yeah...
Kasi Music Kona: You produced a couple of joints on
iFani's new album. I see a number of people are feeling your beats, and your
music is doing well on the other side. Next Kanye in the making maybe?
Sixfo: Na, look yo I believe that the only person one
should ever aspire to be is a better version of themselves yabo. It's all about
originality, man and just doing you..y'know?
Kasi Music Kona: Hahaha Feel you man, sometime last
year we heard you got some deal. How's that going?
Sixfo: It's going swell, got a great team hey. It's
SoundMinds Records and basically myself and 3 guys just thought hey...let's
make our own label and the rest is...well, history.
Kasi Music Kona: When are you dropping your debut
album? and the joint album with you and Maxhoseni still happening?
Sixfo: Well, my debut should be
in...August/September. The project with me and Maxhoseni at the moment is TBA
'cause I haven't heard from homey yet so...I'm still waiting.
Kasi Music Kona: Ayt fam, title of your debut album
and the meaning behind it? Well, I know you rappers and meanings lol
Sixfo: Avantgarde...the title has a dictionary
definition. *breaking out in laughter*
Kasi Music Kona: Lol ayt fam. Will Lwansta be one of
the features on it? Some family love.
Sixfo:Of course, gotta put the young'n on y'know?
Kasi Music Kona: Awe_One S.A rapper you feelin' right
Sixfo: Man, it can only be Mr ImSoSoGood himself -
Lwansta. That's just about it.
Kasi Music Kona: Hahaha Yessir_any message for em
kids tryna live out there through music?
Sixfo: I like answering this question. Kids, if you
wanna make it in this business you gotta do two things: 1. Work hard and 2.
Work smart and most importantly...independence is key.
Kasi Music Kona: Fam thank you for your time, looking
forward to "Avantgarde". Where can people get hold of you?
Sixfo: Well, I'm a twitter addict so
yeah...@sixfo_sa. Facebook: Sixfo and BBM: *reserved for single, fly females*
-wink wink, nudge nudge-
Download Sixfo's new EP [Searching For Kimasobe]:
Download Link (Free): http://www.mediafire.com/?4wczlfchpkzkioc
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Mmmhmm interestng cant wait 4 the album tou. Lol sapha lo bbm pin